Braun Quill

SKU: 18033001
Item 2 of 46
€ 15,00 (including VAT)
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The Braun Quill is made of resilient plastic. The pen has all the advantages of a goose feather; it is light in weight, extremely flexible, never rusts and has a nice thick thin contrast.
Special about the X series is the round, mouth-shaped nib, which looks very different from the familiar chisel-shaped tip. Yet the same fonts are possible.

With low pressure, different widths of the region can be made. Curls and pen manipulations that are sometimes difficult with a steel pen slide like the Quill pen.
A new pen must always be registered for some time.

Alle niet watervaste inkten, aquarelverf en gouache zijn met deze pen te gebruiken, watervaste inkten zoals Oost-Indische inkten moeten worden vermeden. Schoonmaken van de pen met water. Aangekoekte inkt kort weken in een verdunde oplossing van huishoudamonia; naspoelen met schoon water.

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