Gillot pointed nib

SKU: 1280
Item 12 of 46
€ 1,00 (including VAT)

Gillott pointed nib, available in different versions. The pen models 303 and 404 are frequently used for the Copperplate writing.

Our superior range of Joseph Gillott drawing and mapping nibs are world renowned by Copperplate calligraphers for extra fine writing and by artists for drawing, sketching, mapping and cartooning.

Established in 1827 Joseph Gillott was one of the pioneers of mass steel pen nib manufacturing. The company was particularly strong in the American market, prompting Elihu Burrit the American consul to write “In ten thousand school house across the American continent between two oceans, a million children are as familiarly acquainted with Joseph Gillott as with Noah Webster” (The compiler of the famous American dictionary). The company consequently received visits from many notable Americans, including president Ulysses S Grant.

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